Today on the Brave Blog D.T. Powell is back, and this time it’s with an interview. Welcome D.T. Let’s dive in. Sarah: What is a book that has really impacted you? How did it change you?D.T.: My favorite book of all time is Tahn by L. A. Kelly. It’s adult, Christian, non-magical, medievalfantasy. I was…
Brave Blog
People Want to Be Loved by D.T. Powell
The world around us claims love in any form is a good thing. People repeat the mantra, “Love is love,” sooften that many truly believe it. As a result, people choose lifestyles contrary to God’sWord—homosexuality, free love, open marriage, polygamy, transsexuality, bisexuality, and a host ofothers that aren’t even related to sexuality—and justify those choices…
A Raffle Event from R.F. Whong
I’m full of gratitude. My last book, Blazing China (family saga), reached Amazon’s #1 newrelease in Asian Literature in August 2023 and #1 overall ranking in its category on 10/1/2023.To my delight, Blazing China recently received its 100th global rating on Amazon.Amazingly, my new release, Prestige of Hearts (a thrilling romance novel), also reachedAmazon’s #1…
Interview with Brave Author Sarah Hanks
Hello and welcome to the Brave Blog! My name is Aubrey and I am standing in as this week’s BraveInterviewer because this week, our Brave Author is none other than the very talented Sarah Hanksherself! Let’s give her a warm welcome. Aubrey: I’m going to jump right in and ask how you define bravery. What…
Interview with Brave Author B. D. Lawrence
This week I’m interviewing Brave Author B. D. Lawrence. Welcome to the Brave Blog! Sarah: We’ll start with a fun question. What’s your favorite genre to read? B. D.: When I was young it was science fiction and fantasy. Read all of Tolkien’s books the first time as a teenager. Read a lot of Roger…
Obedience and Creative Exhaustion
Written by Brave Author Shannon McNear This is the testimony of a writer completely poured out and empty, yet who kept clinging to quiet assurances in her spirit that the Lord was with her and would indeed bring her through the birth process that is the first draft of every book. A year ago, a…
Deliverance- A Brave Devotional by Z. Peabody
ll Corinthians 1:10 “Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us;” In my earlier years, I had my life mapped out. If I look back now, and circle the times, and dates where I went through adversity, hardships and lows, I would still…
Prince Darling and Princess Sweetness – Aren’t
A guest devotional by Tracy L. Smoak Domestic violence doesn’t begin with attack. If it did, everyone would recognize danger and runaway. No, domestic violence often begins with a whirlwind courtship. Prince Darling or PrincessSweetness appears on the scene as an answer to our prayers. At first. Fragrant flowers, delicious dinners and gifts overwhelm us….
Interview with Shannon McNear
This week on the Brave Blog, I’m interviewing Brave Author Shannon McNear. Shannon is a RITA finalist and Selah Award winner, and the author of fascinating historical fiction. Shannon is giving away one of her books, so make sure to check out those details at the end of the post. Welcome, Shannon! Sarah: How would…
Robbed of Love
By Brave Author B.D. Lawrence February contains the following holidays or recognized days. Valentine’s Day. Holiday Hugs Day. CreativeRomance Month. National Mend a Broken Heart Month. Black Love Day. Self-Love Day. Madly in Lovewith Me Day. Love Reset Day. National Love Your Pet Day. What if, while we’re determining ways toromance or love that special…