By Z. Peabody Scriptures taken from the HalleluYah Scriptures The power of prayer is just that, powerful. Prayer is one of the direct lines of communication to the Son of Man, and the Most-High. In the realm of the spirit, in the name of the Son, and in this physical world, prayer is powerful. The…
Brave Blog
Interview with Robin Lee Hatcher
by: Shannon McNear **Make sure to read to the end for a chance to win a paperback copy of her newest historical release, To Capture a Mountain Man.** A long time ago, during a particularly tough stretch of my life, the book Ribbon of Years by Robin Lee Hatcher kept me up until the wee…
Interview with Donna Joe Stone
Today on the Brave Blog, we have an interview with Donna Joe Stone, author of When the Wildflowers Bloom Again. Welcome, Donna Joe! Let’s jump in. Sarah: What subject are you most passionate about? When did that passion start? How has it grown or changed? Donna Joe: I’m very passionate about the value of people,…
Born, Made, and Born Again
By D.T. Powell Society tells us that same-sex attracted people were “born that way” and “it isn’t a choice.”After reading that first sentence, did the words, “that’s not true,” instantly fill your mind? You’re notalone. Many Christians respond to these statements with strong and immediate denial. And for goodreason. The Bible clearly condemns homosexual marriage…
My brave, bold step of faith: writing a biblically based children’s series
By Karen Ferguson It was February 2020 just before Covid hit and the world changed. My world was about to change too, as I took a big, brave, bold step of faith, with my husband’s support, to give my notice at my current job. My aspiration was to have a children’s book series published and…
Interview with Grace Valentine
Today on the Brave Blog, we have an interview with Grace Valentine, author of “Your Story Isn’t Over Yet” (a memoir). Welcome, Grace! Let’s jump in. Sarah: In what ways do you think you’re brave as an author? Grace: I think I’m brave as an author because writing my memoir required me to be vulnerable,…
Writing About Rescue
By: Judy DuCharme “You’re brave to write this, Judy.” I heard that from a few people. I didn’t feel brave, but Icertainly wasn’t cavalier about the subject. I just knew I must write it, that the subject must beaddressed, especially with a Christian perspective. Again, I knew I wasn’t the expert authority,as others had written…
Your Story Isn’t Over Yet
By Grace Valentine Gagnon “Even if I walk through a valley as dark as the grave, I will not be afraid of any danger, becauseYou are with me. Your rod and staff comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 (ERV) When I look back on my life, I see the evidence of God’s faithfulness, mercy, and grace. He cantake…
How Reading Biblical Narrative Taught Me to Write Better Fiction
By Allison Nance Any writer who wants to be published understands the struggle of crafting captivating prose.Creating a world which draws the reader through your words from the first page to the lastfeels—at times—as impossible as leading a camel through the eye of a needle. One of my resolutions for 2024 was to read as…
From Book Fair Blues to Craft Show Success
By Brave Author Ruth Wuwhong (R.F. Whong) Earlier this summer, I attended what I believed would be a promising event for any emergingauthor: a book fair. The anticipation of engaging with book enthusiasts to discuss my work waspalpable. However, as the day unfolded, my excitement deflated. The hall was scattered withmore authors than readers. I…