Interview with Grace Valentine

Grace Valentine

Today on the Brave Blog, we have an interview with Grace Valentine, author of “Your Story Isn’t Over Yet” (a memoir). Welcome, Grace! Let’s jump in.

Sarah: In what ways do you think you’re brave as an author?

Grace: I think I’m brave as an author because writing my memoir required me to be vulnerable, brave, open, authentic, and honest. I had to dig deep, be true to my experiences, and obedient to what God had placed in my heart when writing my story. Though it wasn’t easy at times, I had to recall and somehow re-live certain moments. 

Sarah: That does sound brave. How do you brainstorm new story ideas?

Grace: I pray, ask the Holy Spirit for anointing and guidance, think about what I want to write, and start writing bits and pieces here and there—making notes on my phone, writing stuff down on paper, thinking of scriptures that represent what I want to write, and think about examples from my own life. I find inspiration in solitude and silence, in the things around me, and in spending time with God. 

Sarah: How did you get started as an author?

Grace: I have always had a flair for words—a God-given talent that I’m truly grateful for. I have loved writing and talking since I was a child. Interaction and discussion were things I enjoyed. I wrote a short story for my primary school magazine when I was seven years old. As a teen, I often wrote my own song lyrics and poetry as a hobby. I loved writing letters to people I care about. I also enjoyed writing long essays in school. 

As I entered adulthood, I felt God place a desire in my heart to write, and with time, I knew I had to write my story. I wanted to share with others what God had done in my life. The things that I had been through were not in vain; no experience is wasted in Christ. I wanted to spread hope. 

I just wasn’t in the right situation, environment, and stage in life to do so. However, as I hit my mid 30s, the desire, prompting, and realization became more evident. In my late 30s, my husband urged me to begin writing an actual book. 

Sarah: What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

Grace: Just write. Just start writing. Try not to hesitate or procrastinate too much. Get input, ask for advice, or seek godly counsel if needed. Pray, and begin writing. Even if you don’t know how or what, just sit down and write, even if it doesn’t all make sense at the moment. Everything will fall into place eventually. Be patient with yourself. Start now. You may not always get a pat on the back or the motivation you want. However, encourage yourself in the Lord. 

Sarah: Great advice! Name a book that you feel addressed a “brave” subject well. How did this book inspire you?

Grace: The Bible. There are so many characters (men and women) in the Bible that display great courage and bravery due to their faith, obedience, and trust in God. Imperfect people just like us. Inspiring, life-changing stories that impact us and strengthen our walk with God. The Bible contains many valuable lessons to learn from; so much inspiration to draw from. 

Sarah: So true! Has the Lord brought you through a difficult time? If so, what did that look like?

Grace: Yes, most definitely. God has carried me through every stage of my life. In my memoir, I talk about my past experiences, turmoil, setbacks, heartaches, trauma, and challenges. Despite the pain, fear, and uncertainty, God is still faithful. He is sovereign. His nature is unchanging. 

When I look back now, I can see His hand upon my life. If not for His love, favor, and guidance, I would be utterly lost. Through Him, I have eternal hope and victory. He has turned my life around and worked things out for my good. 

Sarah: What a great testimony. What do you think makes a great story?

Grace: In non-fiction, I would say honesty, vulnerability, clarity, and boldness. For fiction, I would say creativity, imagination, thinking out of the box, and a sense of humor.

Sarah: What is your favorite part of being a writer?

Grace: I like the ability to express myself freely and authentically. I enjoy touching lives for Jesus through my words and making a difference in this world. It is a privilege to help others through my writings. Words have power and I can bare my soul through them. 

Sarah: Well said. What is your least favorite part of being a writer?

Grace: I dislike it when I don’t have enough time, quiet space, discipline, the right frame of mind, or inspiration to write. Delays and distraction can sometimes occur due to family commitments, lack of motivation, and other unforseen challenges. 

For me, when writing my memoir with difficult content, it was sometimes emotionally painful and stressful to recall certain events. Spending too much time in front of the screen while typing can also cause discomfort to the eyes, arms, neck, and head. Therefore, balance and wisdom are necessary. 

Sarah: What is the best feedback you’ve received from a reader?

Grace: Someone I look up to—a man in his 50’s who is also a husband, father, grandfather, and senior pastor of a church read my manuscript. He said, “Grace, I have cried, prayed, and rejoiced with each chapter. You are an incredible and anointed writer!” 

Hearing those words encouraged me greatly. He is also the chaplain of the police department in his city and sometimes accompanies police officers during their patrols. He once encountered a teenage girl who was a victim of assault. He told me that my book came to mind, and it enabled him to connect with the hurting girl. Hearing this feedback brought tears to my eyes and I gave thanks to God. 

Sarah: That’s excellent feedback. Congratulations on your memoir. I pray the Lord will use it to impact many. Readers, you can purchase her memoir here.

Grace Valentine

About the author:

Grace Valentine is an old soul who wears her heart on her sleeve—a living testimony of God’s mercy and goodness. Born and raised in Singapore, Grace lived 2 years in Uganda as a missionary, traveled the world as a flight attendant, and lived 7 years in the United Arab Emirates.

She now lives in Montreal, Canada, with her beautiful family. Loving Jesus, empowering others, and touching lives one day at a time!

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