By Grace Valentine Gagnon “Even if I walk through a valley as dark as the grave, I will not be afraid of any danger, becauseYou are with me. Your rod and staff comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 (ERV) When I look back on my life, I see the evidence of God’s faithfulness, mercy, and grace. He cantake…
Brave Blog
How Reading Biblical Narrative Taught Me to Write Better Fiction
By Allison Nance Any writer who wants to be published understands the struggle of crafting captivating prose.Creating a world which draws the reader through your words from the first page to the lastfeels—at times—as impossible as leading a camel through the eye of a needle. One of my resolutions for 2024 was to read as…
From Book Fair Blues to Craft Show Success
By Brave Author Ruth Wuwhong (R.F. Whong) Earlier this summer, I attended what I believed would be a promising event for any emergingauthor: a book fair. The anticipation of engaging with book enthusiasts to discuss my work waspalpable. However, as the day unfolded, my excitement deflated. The hall was scattered withmore authors than readers. I…
Interview with Liz Tolsma
Today on the Brave Blog, we have an interview with the talented Liz Tolsma. She writes historical dual time fiction. Welcome, Liz! Let’s jump in. Sarah: How would you define bravery? What is it? Where does it come from? Liz: A character in one of my books– I can’t remember which one – gave the…
Writing About Minorities in Historical Fiction
By Rachel Kovaciny Objectively, we know that not everyone in every historical time period was a white person. Certainly, some historical eras in particular places would have had predominantly white populations – rural Regency England, for instance. Or Imperial Russia. But even in those times and places, a Jewish character or a traveler from some…
The Blessing of Choosing Life
By Sarah Hanks The doctor told me to abort my daughter. I was pregnant with my fourth, and they had me go in for a more in depth ultrasound because she seemed to have a marker for Down syndrome. At that second ultrasound, the doctor confirmed the marker and asked when I wanted to schedule…
Interview with Megan Schaulis
Today on the Brave Blog we have an interview with author Megan Schaulis. She’s the author of Protector a YA dystopian retelling of Esther. Readers, make sure you read until the end for your chance to win some swag. Welcome, Megan! Let’s jump in! Sarah: What was the last book you read that you felt…
Interview with Lori Altebaumer
Today on the Brave Blog, we have romantic suspense author Lori Altebaumer. She’s giving away a free book, so make sure you read to the end. Welcome, Lori! Sarah: So happy to have you on the blog today. Let’s start with our standard question. Do you consider yourself brave? Why or why not? Lori: I…
Giving Your Burdens Away
Guest post by Christina Sinisi. First, thank you, Brave Authors, for hosting me today. I appreciate the opportunity.Second, I must give a little disclaimer—my original intent was to feature my newrelease, Hope of Hatteras, but that’s not happening since last Friday (as I write this), mypublisher announced they’re going out of business. At first, I…
How to Fight
A devotional by Brave Author Shannon McNear Wars and rumors of wars. The news has been filled with it this month. So was my personal life.It’s been on my mind how full scripture is with military metaphors, and for good reason. Any way youlook at it, we’re surrounded by warfare. We are hammered daily with…