Guest post by Christina Sinisi.
First, thank you, Brave Authors, for hosting me today. I appreciate the opportunity.
Second, I must give a little disclaimer—my original intent was to feature my new
release, Hope of Hatteras, but that’s not happening since last Friday (as I write this), my
publisher announced they’re going out of business.

At first, I was very upset and grieved. My husband was out of town. My son, who lives
with us, was asleep. I had no choice but to turn to God.
Psalm 62:1-2: “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone
is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”
In my nightly prayer, I cried out to God and felt better. I told myself that this was an
opportunity to show that I can indeed rejoice in hardship because God will work
everything to my good. I won’t only praise Him in the good times, but also in the bad.
Then, my writing friends emailed me back (of course, I messaged for support right
away). They encouraged me and promised that they’d help figure out self-publishing
and next steps.
Galatians 6:2: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of
My husband returned my call and wrote me the kind of message every wife wants to
hear. He reassured me that I could be expected to be shocked, I didn’t have to hold
myself to too high of standards. This hardship, small compared to some, big at the time,
is an opportunity. He knew I would move forward with my writing (I’m glad he’s so
confident). But most important of all, he will love me no matter what.
1 Thessalonians 4:9 “But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write
to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.”
Dear reader, maybe you are going through something tough, really tough: loss of a
loved one, chronic illness, loss of a job you rely on for income or so many other
difficulties present in this world. I hope you can be reassured that you are loved—by
people around you, by God, and even by me (I know we haven’t met, but we are
brothers and sisters in Christ and that means something).
If God gave His only son to die for your sins, He loves you and longs to be there for you
in the tough times. He’s there when no one else is.
Just drop on those knees (unless you can’t get up, then just pray wherever you are),
He’s got this. Please give your burdens away.

About the author
A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Christina Sinisi writes stories about families, both the broken and blessed. Her works include a semi-finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest and the American Title IV Contest where she appeared in the top ten in the Romantic Times magazine. By day, she is a psychology professor and lives in the LowCountry of South Carolina with her husband and two children and loves a good cooking challenge. Please visit her at Christina Sinisi-Author on Facebook and
2 thoughts on “Giving Your Burdens Away”
Good post, Christina. I’m so sorry to hear about your publisher going out of business. However, I’m glad to hear you have a supportive husband and writer friends and that your book will see publication through self-publication. So, congratulations on your upcoming release!
p.s. “Drop on those knees (unless you can’t get up),” hahaha! Love your sense of humor!
Priscilla, thank you for reading the blog–and your kind thoughts!
And yes, I love a little humor in anything I write–glad you enjoyed. Have a great day, Christina