By Z. Peabody
Scriptures taken from the HalleluYah Scriptures

The power of prayer is just that, powerful. Prayer is one of the direct lines of communication to the Son of Man, and the Most-High. In the realm of the spirit, in the name of the Son, and in this physical world, prayer is powerful.
The Most-High hears our Prayers, especially a Prayer from a forgiving heart. There is a way in which one Prays. In Matthew 6: 9-13, The Son of Man guides us in the way we should pray, “This, then is the way you should pray…”
Something else makes a Prayer Powerful, and that is giving the Great I Am back His Words of right-ruling, His Laws, His Promises. There is a way to give the Great I Am back His Word, and that is through Prayer and having a conversation with Him. By using the Holy Scriptures, this places Him and His Word in one’s heart and spirit. The Father is of the Spirit so we Pray to Him in the Spirit, using His Word.
When His Word is put into a prayer not only does it move the messengers He has assigned to guard over us—Hebrews 1:13-14 says, “And which of the messengers did He ever say, ‘sit at my right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool for your Feet’? Are they not all serving spirits sent out to attend those who are about to inherit deliverance?”—but, this reminds the Great I Am of His Word, not that He has forgotten His Word, but that His Word is being studied and placed in one’s heart and spirit.
It’s great to get Scriptures related to what it is that is being prayed for, and believing Him for answered prayers because, the Son said it in His Word in, Mark 11:24 “Because of this I say to you, whatever you ask when you pray believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. The Son has said it.”
When we declare and decree while praying in the Word, no demon in hell or on earth can stop our prayers from being answered. So, we begin our prayers with praise, praying and using His Word, then we end our prayers with, “I pray this prayer in the name of Yahusha (Jesus) amen!”

Z. Peabody is the author of Scripture-inspired romance novels, including His to Honor, His to Adore, and His to Love.
The Z. Peabody Publishing LLC brand was created to provide Scriptural-inspiration. Geared toward the romance fiction readers, Z. gives positive encouragement, Scriptural-inspiration, and wisdom in her writings in the romance genres.
Z’s passion for reading romance novels began at the age of 14….. although she didn’t really understand what she was reading at the time. But as she grew older, she began to realize the significance those romance novels would have on her life and her future in the contemporary, and historical romance genres. Becoming a romance writer was inevitable.
Z. lives in the Midwest and is originally a native Chicagoan.
1 thought on “The Power of Prayer”
Very nice article. Prayer is powerful.