Today on the Brave Blog D.T. Powell is back, and this time it’s with an interview. Welcome D.T. Let’s dive in.
Sarah: What is a book that has really impacted you? How did it change you?
D.T.: My favorite book of all time is Tahn by L. A. Kelly. It’s adult, Christian, non-magical, medieval
fantasy. I was about fourteen when I read it, and the first thing that struck me about it was a
foreword from the author that recounted how God had used Tahn in her life as she wrote it.
Having just experienced God’s working in my own life through fiction, reading how He had done
something similar for someone else was something I never forgot.
This book reinforced the joy of my salvation for me in a lasting way.
Sarah: Sounds like a life-altering experience. Love it. What’s your favorite genre to read?
D.T.: Non-romantic Fantasy. Though I do enjoy Sci-Fi and Dystopian, as well as a lot of middle grade
Sarah: Why do you write in the genre you do? Did you always want to write in that genre?
D.T.: My current project, which I’ll talk about a little later in this interview, is Contemporary, which is
actually a big departure for me. Because of the subject matter (homosexuality) I struggled with
writing it for the better part of two or three years. When I finally stopped trying to go my own
way and write what I wanted (Fantasy), the book very nearly wrote itself.
I have loved Fantasy and Sci-Fi since I was in third or fourth grade, so the vast majority of my
writing is either Fantasy or Sci-Fi, and I love how versatile those genres are. I’ve even combined
them on occasion. I love being able to illustrate Truth in unconventional and fantastic settings. In
addition to original fiction, I also have a significant body of fanfiction work, which allows me to
spend time with people and places that God has used in my life to help me personalize so many
Biblical truths and principles.
Sarah: Wow. I love how God stretches us like that. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
D.T.: The short answer to this is 2013. But the road to that answer was ten years in the making.
When I was 9, God brought a story into my life that changed the way I looked at the world, and
when I was 12, God used that story to help change the way I looked at myself too. The joy of my
salvation became personal to me. From that moment on, I looked for ways to show others what
had happened to me. I tried everything I could think of, including music, and art of all kinds. I
even went to college to get an art degree. But I ended up getting kicked out of the art program
because I wasn’t good enough.
When I graduated college with a Bachelors in Business and Technology, I didn’t know what to
do. I knew I still wanted to share what God had done for me, but I had no idea how to do that.
I needed a job, so I looked for work for four months. During that span of time, I spent a lot of
time thinking, and God used that season of quiet to help me see what was right in front of me. I
had never thought to write.
I’ve been writing ever since.
Sarah: What an incredible story. The winding road led you here. When it comes to writing, do you enjoy drafting or editing better? Why?
D.T.: Editing. If I could write without drafting, I would do it. For me, drafting is tedious and boring,
and I just want it to be finished. When I edit, all those pieces come to life, and I get to weave
them into something beautiful.
Sarah: Do you listen to music while you write? Do you need complete silence? Or something else?
D.T.: I have to have silence. If I try to listen to music, I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing.
Sarah: Do you enjoy writing in third person or first person better? Past or present tense?
D.T.: I’ve tried about everything, but third past is my favorite to write.
Sarah: Fun. I love how everyone is so different in these ways. What is the biggest piece of advice you’d give to someone who wants to write their first book?
D.T.: It doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, it won’t be. And that’s okay. Writing is a skill, and like any
skill, it takes time to build. Accept that, and you’ll avoid a lot of frustration.
Sarah: Great advice. Where did you get the inspiration for your most recent book?
D.T.: My recent short story, “The Man Who Caught a Falling Star,” (publishing in Sailing Magic, an
anthology from The Order of the Pen Press) is a science-fantasy piece that delves into something
Christians face throughout life—separation from people they’ve come to love very much.
Probably every Christian who reads this has a fellow Christian friend or family member they’ve
had to say good-bye to, whether because of death or changing life circumstances. I know I have.
And it was in the sadness of that separation that I found the inspiration for this piece. Not only
does it address that heart-breaking moment of loss, but it also looks ahead to the coming reunion
we’ll experience one day at the feet of Jesus.
Sarah: What are you working on now?
D.T.: I’m in the final editing stage for With Mercy’s Eyes, a Contemporary novel for adult Christians.
The book addresses homosexuality and tackles the question of how Christians can show love to
people living in sexual sin without endorsing their lifestyle. Much like the personal testimony of
Rosaria Butterfield, With Mercy’s Eyes is told from the perspective of someone who, in the
beginning, is not a Christian. It illustrates the power of simple kindness and treating people as
souls in need of salvation.
With Mercy’s Eyes releases in June of 2025, and I would value your prayers for me and everyone
else involved as I work through the remaining steps in the publication process.
Sarah: Thank you for sharing with us on the Brave Blog. We wish you all the best in you writing endeavors.
You can find D.T. at, on Instagram @dtill359, Facebook @D. T. Powell, Author, and Goodreads @D.T. Powell.

D. T. Powell grew up in a Christian home, loving books and reading. Her daily habits include: reading dozens of pages, picking which book to read next, and archiving and listening to sacred music.
When she was nine, God sent a fictional character into her life who changed the way she looked at the world—and herself.
From then on, she wanted to show everyone what God had done for her, so she pursued an art degree… and was summarily kicked out of the program due to general lack of artistic talent.
Only after she graduated with a degree in business did she pick up the one utensil she had never thought to use, a pen. And she hasn’t put it down since.
To fill her writing day, she works on original stories, extensive fanfiction endeavors, and learning more about the craft of writing.
Her hobbies include hanging out with her husband and their three kitties, reading, playing pickleball, listening to music, and imagining scenes to use in future books.
She loves Psalm 126:5, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.”
3 thoughts on “Interview with D.T. Powell”
I would love to read With Mercy’s Eyes. (What a Brave topic!) Good luck with the final edits, D.T.!
I loved reading this! Interesting to learn more about your process and about you.
I know DT from Pickleball, but our friendship developed from our mutual Faith in Christ. She is sincere and delightful.
I am truly look forward to buying and reading With Mercy’s Eyes as soon as it hits the press! <